As the leaves change colours and the temperature cools, the fall and winter seasons bring the joy of holidays, cozy sweaters, and warm beverages. However, they also line up with the peak of cold and flu season, making it crucial to prioritize your immune health. In this blog post, we will explore various immune-boosting strategies to help you stay healthy this season.


Diet: The Foundation of Immune Health

Your immune system relies on key nutrients to function optimally, so it is important to maintain a well-balanced diet. Here are some general dietary strategies to boost your immune system this fall and winter:

  1. Vitamin C-Rich Foods: Include a wide variety of fruits and vegetables to your diet like strawberries, bell peppers, kiwis, citrus, tomatoes, broccoli etc. Vitamin C enhances the production of white blood cells, which are essential for fighting infections.

  2. Probiotics: Yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and other fermented foods contain beneficial bacteria that support your gut health. A healthy gut is crucial for a strong immune system.

  3. Zinc Sources: Nuts, seeds, whole grains, and lean meats are excellent sources of zinc. This mineral helps immune cells function and produce antibodies.

  4. Garlic and Ginger: These kitchen staples have natural antimicrobial properties. Add them to your meals for a flavorful immune boost.

  5. Leafy Greens: Spinach, kale, and Swiss chard are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support overall health.

Exercise: Stimulating the Immune System

Regular physical activity isn’t only good for your body; it’s a powerful ally for your immune system. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins and increases circulation, which helps immune cells move more efficiently throughout your body. Talk to your naturopathic doctor about what type of exercise is right for you.


Supplements and Herbs: Extra Immune Support

While a balanced diet should be your primary source of nutrients, supplements and herbs can provide an extra layer of immune support, below are just a few examples that have been found to play a role in immune health:

  1. Vitamin D: Many people experience a deficiency in vitamin D during the fall and winter especially in Vancouver due to reduced sunlight exposure.

  2. Echinacea: This herb is well-known for its immune-boosting properties. Echinacea supplements or teas can help reduce the severity and duration of colds.

  3. Elderberry: Elderberry syrup or capsules are popular choices for immune support, especially for children. Elderberry may help reduce the symptoms of the flu and common cold due to its antioxidant content.

  4. Astragalus: In traditional Chinese medicine, astragalus is used to enhance the immune system due to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Be sure to speak with your naturopathic doctor before starting any herbs or supplements as there could be interactions with current medication or other supplements.

Hydrotherapy: Invigorating Your Immune System

Hydrotherapy involves the use of water at different temperatures to stimulate blood flow and promote overall health. Here's how you can incorporate hydrotherapy into your routine:

  1. Contrast Showers: Alternate between hot and cold water in the shower for a few minutes each. This can boost circulation and help your immune system respond effectively to invaders. Be sure to have a 3 to 1 ratio for hot to cold. For example 3 minutes warm water and 1-minute cold.

  2. Epsom Salt Baths: Adding Epsom salts to a warm bath can relax your muscles and promote detoxification, indirectly supporting your immune system.

  3. Sauna: Regular sauna sessions can also give your immune system a boost. Heat and steam can increase circulation, stimulate the production of white blood cells, and promote the elimination of toxins through sweat.

As the fall and winter seasons approach, prioritizing your immune health is essential for staying well and enjoying the season's festivities. A well-rounded approach can help fortify your defenses against common seasonal illnesses. Remember to consult with your naturopathic doctor before starting any new supplement or therapy regimen, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are on any medications. By taking proactive steps to boost your immune system, you can look forward to a healthy and enjoyable fall and winter season.


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  • García-Montero C, Fraile-Martínez O, Gómez-Lahoz AM, et al. Nutritional Components in Western Diet Versus Mediterranean Diet at the Gut Microbiota-Immune System Interplay. Implications for Health and Disease. Nutrients. 2021;13(2):699. Published 2021 Feb 22. doi:10.3390/nu13020699

  • Mooventhan A, Nivethitha L. Scientific evidence-based effects of hydrotherapy on various systems of the body. N Am J Med Sci. 2014;6(5):199-209. doi:10.4103/1947-2714.132935

  • Moore A, Khanna D. The Role of Vitamin C in Human Immunity and Its Treatment Potential Against COVID-19: A Review Article. Cureus. 2023;15(1):e33740. Published 2023 Jan 13. doi:10.7759/cureus.33740


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