Acupuncture provided by a Registered Acupuncturist (R. Ac.)
Our Registered Acupuncturist understands that the journey to creating a balanced and optimal state of health is not a straight and narrow path. It is unique and personal to every individual.
At Tandem Clinic we offer the following treatments, performed by a registered acupuncturist:
Your first 3 needles: Curious about acupuncture, but not sure if it's right for you? Come in and speak with our acupuncturist about how Traditional Chinese Medicine and how acupuncture might help you and try your first 3 needles
Initial Acupuncture Treatment: your acupuncturist will preform an initial acupuncture assessment and an acupuncture treatment
Return Acupuncture Treatment: For existing patients who have previously had an acupuncture treatment
Cupping & Acupuncture: For return patients. Cupping is the use of glass, plastic or silicone cups to create a negative pressure that suction onto the skin's surface. A combination of acupuncture and cupping will be used for treatment based on your individualized TCM diagnosis
Acupuncture provided by Naturopathic Doctors (ND)
All of our Naturopathic Doctors are trained in TCM and are certified by the BCNA to perform Acupuncture. Your Naturopathic Doctor can provide acupuncture as a stand-alone treatment or as part of a broader naturopathic treatment plan.
This will be billed as Naturopathic Services and cannot be billed under Acupuncture to your Extended Benefits.
Our Naturopathic Doctors offer the following treatments:
Initial Acupuncture Treatment: Your practitioner will preform an initial acupuncture assessment and an acupuncture treatment. Based on your assessment your treatment may also include other TCM modalities.
Return Acupuncture Treatment: For existing patients who have previously had an acupuncture treatment. Based on your assessment your treatment may also include other TCM modalities.
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture: This treatment involves the insertion of acupuncture needles into the body and face, with the addition of LED light application throughout the treatment.